Monday and Wednesday, from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM
The MAD Christian Radio Show is a syndicated radio show featuring Christian rock and hip-hop music, the latest news on your favorite artists, and a weekly devotional and inspiration for you to stay fired up in your faith. The show is hosted by Kristen Lisa McNulty. Kristen has been with the MAD Christian Radio Show since day one. Growing up she loved listening to Christian bands like DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline, but was surprised at how many of her friends and classmates were not aware of the kind of Christian music that was out there. While hoping that someone would step up and start a show with Christian music for the youth, through a series of events, God made it obvious that person was supposed to be her. It didn't make a lot of sense because Kristen had no radio experience, and up until that point wasn't comfortable with public speaking, but as she was about to find out, God's plans rarely rely on human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:26-29).
The Making A Difference (MAD) Christian Radio Show hit the airwaves for the first time in November of 2001 and after more than 22 years of hosting and producing the show, Kristen still loves every minute of it!
Kristen calls Timmins, Ontario home. In her free time Kristen loves hanging out with friends and family, especially her five adorable nephews and one niece. She also enjoys fishing, travelling, reading, writing and exploring the great outdoors.
Tune in to MESSIAHFM1 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm for the MAD show and your life will never be the same.

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